Monday, March 5, 2012

Interactive Folklore

These are my beginning designs for a Victorian-type magic trick necklace. It takes two folklife images and makes them one if you spin the disc.
I think nostalgia is a multi-sensory experience. Although one thing might evoke it, it can trigger the memory of a smell, a physical feeling, an emotion, a sound, etc. Interactive objects could be more memorable because they stimulate a range of senses. It is also customary of folklore in that it can be passed down in oral narrative, games, or physical objects.
I think of folklore as something that has to be "told" or "taught" and thus shared. Games, stories and tricks, lessons and arts (all of which I strongly associate with the idea of folklore) are shared between people, making them more memorable and clouding them with a nostalgic feeling. I'm feeling the need to make objects which make one say " Ah! Remember when..."

1 comment:

  1. Hi KAth ... great idea here, I think, but then, I'm a boy! Are boys' games very different from girls'? On another note... an animated gif would work really well to show this idea..
