Thursday, February 24, 2011


Having found a shard of porcelain pottery which my mother had kept for the span of my life thus far, I am inspired to make a piece of jewellery with it. I am looking at the notion of Tea-time and the nostalgia behind it.

I have always had decorative tea cups and saucers and teapots around my home and familiar surroundings. As a little girl i was obsessed with miniatures of everyday things- becoming lost in a make-believe world provided my these things. My miniature porcelain tea set was no exception.

My mother, like me, being somewhat of a hoarder, had and has glass cabinets full of old ornate tea cups, tea tins, tea spoons, etc. My Grandmother's house boasted a meticulously displayed collection of  'Royal Family' tea sets. It was the first thing you saw as you entered the house.

Aside from the many memories of play-play teatimes as a child, or those of my mother and her friends, myself and my own friends in my eventual 'grown up' state, and of course the notorious upgrade to the wickedness of coffee, i find it is the actual objects involved which I remember and become particularly sentimental about, and so find pleasure in immortalising in a piece of jewellery once stripped from it's original memory-making function.

                                            This is the beautiful patterning on the piece of pottery

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